Saturday, January 5, 2013

Gah the Pain

My leg is still swollen, and still tight.

And it hurts soooo bad.

I have to have help getting out of the shower because I can't lift it over the tub.

Today, it was so bad I could barely move it.

On a happier note, I just took a hydrocodone, and the pain should be slightly numb in about twenty minutes.

And my head will be filled with a happy buzz...

I am going to find something to watch on the boob tube.

And listen to beast and princess snore...

Tomorrow, I go pick up the medicine that will help my thyroid problem and go pick up fruit from the store.

Bananas sound good...

So do honeydew and watermelon...

Too bad I haven't got the money for caffeine.

Oh coca-cola, I miss you so very much...

Also tomorrow, my brother, his wonderful lady, and their handsome son are coming to do a late Christmas.

So I am very pleased :)))



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