I am still in the hospital, and still receiving the lovenox stomach shots, as well as blood thinners.
I will be in the hospital for at least a few more days, seeing as how I can't do the stomach shots myself.
I am on two different pain meds, and I got to take a shower this morning.
I also got to see my beautiful daughter, whom I miss very much.
Mama had to get some milk, so my love packed me a bag of clothes and sweets to send to me.
They had to get my WIC folder from me to get the milk.
My daughter didn't want anything to do with me unfortunately.
My beastie informed me that she didn't get much sleep last night, and had a bad dream.
She went to bed at 8 PM, but woke him up around 2 AM crying.
So he held her and got her back to sleep, but he didn't get himself back to sleep until at least 5.
He and I skyped at 4 AM.
I sure do miss him, and I can't wait until I am all better and can be back in his arms, with our daughter beside us.
I am getting caught up on Switched at Birth, and going to read The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan, as soon as I can keep my eyes open to read.
I managed to miss the newest episode of Once Upon a Time, and I fully intend to log into Hulu and watch it.
Please pray for me, my family, my doctors and nurses, and my love.
I will update you all as I learn more.
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