Saturday, March 19, 2016

Disciplining An ADHD and ODD Child

It has been one HELL of a week folks.

So my night was spent from 3:00 AM to 6:00 AM trying to get my 6 year old to go back to her room and go to sleep.
Her night was spent screaming at me, and telling me no.

I took the tv and radio out of her room, but when I went to get the radio from her room she grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked as hard as she could.
Which resulted in waking up my roomies (again) which wasn't pleasant.

She is now grounded from going anywhere (aside from church) or doing anything for the next two weeks.
That includes losing the tv and radio until she can learn to not only mind but to also respect other people's (meaning MY laptop-which she threw the previous day) things.

I am lost on how to discipline her.
Spankings don't work, believe me I have tried.

Taking things away doesn't work; after all she is MY child and I didn't care about getting things taken away.
Hell, I was once grounded for an entire summer in third grade.
My mother took everything except clothes and shoes out of my room.
Wanna know what I did?
I made sock puppets.
Didn't faze me one bit.

I don't think her ritalin is working right anymore but I can't talk to her doctor about that until I can get in to MHMR to schedule an appointment.
Y'all, I am exhausted.
And I am at my wit's end.
Someone, ANYONE, please:


Any advice will do.
I am trying my best to discipline her without making her feel like she isn't loved and without traumatizing her, and I refuse to use a belt.
I don't particularly like even spanking her.
I don't want her to wind up where my little brother is.
I want my sanity back, and I need some sleep.

So yeah, please let the comments flow.

-Nyxie Nevermore-

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